Tuesday, June 28, 2011


I have loved that plant since I first saw it placed by itself on a table in an interior design book. It went perfectly with the serene white bedding and light blue walls.
From that day I wanted to try and grow one. Orchids are considered exotic plants. Since I stayed in an apartment with minimal light and no gallery to keep plants, wasn't sure if I wanted to buy an exotic plant just yet.
When one day, talking to a lady at my workplace who loved gardening, we discussed the Orchid among other plants.
Little did I know she had a few plants herself and she brought one for me in a beautiful handmade pot the very next day.
She advised me not to water more that a tablespoon or two of water once or twice a week, whilst the roots got wet. It was not planted in regular soil. She had just placed it in a bark mix and in a pot with lots of holes for air to pass by.
I would have never known all this information if not for her.

The orchid plant was small with two leaves and I wanted to see it flower. I watered it diligently for about a year and then there was one bud that bloomed. Imagine the joy to see it was not only living but doing well. But that was it for that year. With signs of progress I carried on an watched.
As that flower fell and in about another 8 months it was time for blooming season, a small shoot came off of an existing branch and started growing fast in direction of sun. It grew the way I turned it. It was so easy to design the shape go how I wanted it to be. It was lovely to see it grow so rapidly. After the branch grew in about a month or two. Small nodes started to grown out to form buds. The buds stayed there for about 2 months, while one of my colleagues at work asked me..when does that bud ever bloom :)
And in about 3 weeks it started to bloom. It took a while for all 4 flowers to bloom a good 3-4 weeks. But these flowers look strong and well and happy and here to stay.
I am not sure how long it will last. But enjoy looking at it through the day while its beauty lasts.

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