Saturday, June 25, 2011

Baking-Icing Day 1

Recently I decided to join a Wilton’s cake decorating class 1. The course was a four week course with instructor Ann at Micheals store. It ende up becoming a 2 week course with some date adjustments, which as we call it turned out to be a crash course.
After that I made a couple of cakes and saw a good lot of baking videos with impressive techniques.
My mom asked me to pen down my experiences with the class since she wanted to read them and so I took up this task. I thought it would also serve as a revision to what we studied in class.

Day 1:
Of the class was all about, how to bake a cake, what containers to use, how to cool the cake, how to ice it so it looks plain etc. Initially I don’t think I paid much attention to it, since I was just writing down stuff Anne said. But when I baked my first cake, I realized soon that was excellent piece of information. We had to get a cake in our next class.The first day we did practiced some icing on cookie.

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